Happy Friday everyone!

Starting a new thing over here! Five for Friday.  Random thoughts, stuff I love and happy thoughts!!

**Great round-up of  Halloween Time with Toddlers at Disneyland by The Healthy Mouse.  Love when bloggers focus on little kids at Disneyland.  There are so many great things to do with the littles…it doesn’t always have to be about fast roller coasters.

**Taking Little A to her 1st concert this weekend in San Diego!! She is so excited! I’m a little nervous about if she’ll make it all the way through, but either way it’s going to be so much fun! Since we have to stay overnight, we are packing her new Skip Hop Unicorn suitcase that we got her for her birthday.  She might be just as excited about the suitcase as she is for the concert haha

**Loving this #Mickey90 Storybook and Movie Projector  It’s so cute and less than $14.  Will be giving it to Little A on Monday for her actual birthday.

**I feel like I’m living on an emotional roller coaster with Little A turning 5!  I’ve been looking through so many pictures of her as a baby and I can’t believe time has passed so fast.  I’m so proud of the caring, spunky, confident girl she is becoming, but I’m also sad that those delicious baby and toddler days are over.  I imagine I will always feel this pull of emotions.  Definitely bittersweet.

**There are definitely hard days and times when I get frustrated or impatient, but I love my life and am so grateful for all the blessings I have.

Have a magical weekend everyone!
