This morning, I had a funny conversation with Little A while I was doing her hair. Truthfully, it was just a 60 second snippet of our morning, but I’ve been thinking about it ever since!
Every morning, while Adam and I are getting ready for work, she goes into her room, listens to music and colors at her art desk. When I called her into the bathroom to do her hair this morning, she looks straight in the mirror and says “Mommy, I want to be an artist when I grow up” Not gonna lie…1st thought was “Oh boy, You might be living with us for a very long time.” haha But, being the encouraging mother I am, I responded with “That’s sounds really fun. You should do that!”
She then said, “Mommy, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
I stared at her blankly and said, “Baby, I am grown up and I’m your mommy and I love it!”
“But, mommy, you can still do anything you want! What do you want to be?”
I literally just stood there staring at her. Nobody has asked me that question for 20 years. I didn’t have an answer. I mean, once you reach a certain age, you just are what you are, right? When I was in high school, all I wanted was to sing country music (yes, that’s true) and then after college, I wanted to be an executive. I really did! But then I got into the corporate world and quickly realized that I didn’t love it. When Little A came along 5 years ago, I immediately knew that I was going to stop working and be a stay-at-home mom. Every fiber of my being was thrown in to being her mom. And now, I work part-time while she’s in school and I’m just me…a wife and a mom.
But her face was so genuine! She looked up at me with her big, beautiful brown eyes and honestly wanted to know – WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE?
I finished getting her ready for school, left for work, sat at my desk and couldn’t get this conversation out of my head. Why is it that once you are grown, nobody asks that question anymore? Why is it that we all think that what we are now is what we will always be? It shouldn’t be that way. We tell our kids they can be anything they want to be. Why does this only apply up to a certain age?
So, here is my challenge to you (and myself too) Think long and hard. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE? It’s not too late! What’s your dream job? Figure out a way and go for it! Want to take up painting? DO IT! Think about what inspires you and fills you with joy!
I started this blog a few months ago because I needed an outlet and something to call my own. And while I don’t have very many readers right now, that doesn’t matter. This is part of MY dream. I encourage you to spread your wings and fly! You are never too old to chase your dreams. Thanks to a little 5 year old with big dreams who reminded me of that.
Oh my gosh yes!!!!! Love this post…and being a blogger is my newest dream of what I want to be when I grow up too!!!